Biophilic Design & The New Office

Tate Desmet
2 min readJul 13, 2020

People complain about their offices being unpleasant, unattractive and downright, cold. This not only negatively affects the motivation of the employees but also becomes a hindrance in their performance. However, research has shown that “natural materials” and “biophilia” in the office environment improves overall productivity. It also impacts the employees emotions, health, and overall feeling.

Let us start from the basics, what is biophilia? Biophilia is the idea that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature. The term translates to ‘the love of living things’ in ancient Greek.

how does it connect to design?

Biophilic design is the (not so) recent trend seen in emerging offices. It is basically designing a space in such a way that it connects with nature. Don’t we all find the sounds of the waves and rumbling trees through the wind extremely soothing? Well, this is the concept of biophilic design. To connect human with nature as much as possible in order to create a creative and peaceful environment.

Following are the benefits of having natural interior in office environments:


It has been observed and noted that employees spend 90% of their time indoor, and such little to no connection with the nature causes fatigue, anxiety, mood swings and extreme tension. However, research has shown that bringing nature to work environment, even through a visual image helps reduce anxiety and stress. This shows that it is important to incorporate such nature-connected elements like, wooden interior, water fall, greenery or access to sunlight helps the employees work better as it does not compromise on their mental wellbeing.


Melatonin is a very important hormone which controls the sleeping and waking cycle of a person. Research has shown that sunlight boosts this hormone which has shown remarkable differences in the productivity of a person. Fixed walls should be replaced with clear glazing glasses, so that the employee productivity can be increased. If natural light is not an option, then circadian lightening should be utilized to keep the staff motivated and energized.


Research has shown that it is important for an organization to be what it wants its employee to be. If an organization itself shows a healthy and natural approach towards sustainability then that’s how the employees will feel too. It is important that in 21st century, we all move towards a sustainable approach in order to practice eco friendly lifestyle.

